Friday, September 26, 2008

Are the workshops effective?

Bangalore CAN Prevent initiative by SAP Global Delivert and Enfold Trust has been working to prevent child sexual abuse since Feb 2008. We aim to empower children to resist and report abuse - especially sexual abuse. This involves 4-5 interactive sessions with students - beginning with students as young as 5-6 yrs. This is done without making the child fearful of all adults or intoerant of any form of touch. So far we have reached over 7000 students.
Is the program effective? I would say yes - because at the end of the sessions many students come forward and report that they are experiencing abuse and what they should do about it. With a little support from us, the children have been able to report the abuse, ensuring their safety.
I invite you to come and attend a workshop in progress. If you feel interested, and are motivated to prevent child abuse, let us know.


Minny(Manisha choudhry) said...

Very effective workshops..

Radha Sameer said...

Wonderful and very effective workshops