Thursday, January 8, 2009


At the start of puberty, pituitary gland in the brain gives signals to the ovaries to start releasing estrogen hormone. Estrogen produces physical and emotional changes in the person, changing the girl into an adult female.

The ovaries start maturing and releasing the ova (female reproductive cell). This occurs about once a month (one ovary releases one egg in one month, the other ovary releases an egg the following month). This process is called Ovulation.

Once the ovum has been released by the ovary it is picked up by the Fallopian tube. The ova stays alive in the fallopian tube for about 12 - 24 hrs. There after it dies and is absorbed by the body. If the sperms have been deposited in (or sometimes even at the opening of) the vagina, they swim up the uterus and into the fallopian tube to meet with the Ovum. This process is called Fertilization. The fallopian tube is joined to the uterus and helps move the fertilized Egg to the uterus. Here the egg will implant itself in the nourishing lining of the uterus called the Endometrium and develop into a baby in 9 months.

If fertilization does not take place, the soft endometrium is not required and is expelled from the body through the vaginal opening. This process is called menstruation or the period.

Menstruation lasts anywhere between 2 to 7 days. The blood that is expelled is absorbed on a pad or a tampon. Sometimes girls experience backaches and abdominal cramps during this time. All this is normal.

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