Friday, January 9, 2009

What is the Safe Time to Have Sex and avoid Pregency?

Let us assume that one has a 28 day menstrual cycle and period happened on say 1st May. Ovulation happens 14 days before the next period, so it can be 14th May but since the next period has not happened yet you can’t be sure of the ovulation date.
Also the ovum is alive for a 1- 1 ½ days so 14th is very unsafe i.e. there is very good chance of getting pregnant. Next period may not come on 28th May but 3-4 days early or late. If it comes 4 days early, then ovulation would have happened on 10th may and if late, then on 18th May.
Another important thing to be kept in mind is that the sperm can stay alive inside the uterus for about 3 days so if sex happened 3 days before ovulation it is not safe. So effectively the time from 7th May till 19th May is not safe for sex. The rule for a 28 day cycle is that 7 days from the day of starting periods is safe, and the last 7 days of the cycle (21st to 28th ) are safe. Middle 14 days or two weeks are not safe.
This is not a effective method of contraception to use as we are calculating based on an unknown fact (the next period).

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